
Memories of Timperley Village

When considering a suitable location for our tuition service, we looked at a number of locations in the local area. The cost of renting premises in Altrincham was prohibitive. We considered the community centre on Park Road, but decided it against because it would have felt like working in a haunted house. We finally decided on Timperley village for a number of reasons – the rent was reasonable, it’s a picturesque location and it’s at the very heart of the area where we all grew up and still live.

There are so many identikit towns in Britain. Timperley village is one of the few places that has retained its identity and charm. It’s such vibrant place, especially on a Friday evening when there’s a tangible buzz in the air. The shops are busy, there are always long queues in the local fish and chips shops and the local bars and restaurants start to fill up. 

We have many fond memories of Timperley village.

In the 1970s, we used go to The Chocolate Box, which was an olde worlde sweet shop. There were other shops that sold sweets, but The Chocolate Box looked like a quaint shop from a storybook. Going up the steps to the shop and buying old-fashioned sweets like bon bons and bulls eyes was one of the highlights of the week.

For a short time, there was an athletics club called Track Pack. Local children would race around the running track in their Adidas Kick trainers. Next to the running track was a small ski slope. I don’t remember it being used very often.

In the mid 1970s, supermarkets like Tesco and Sainbury’s didn’t exist. Many families did their big shop for the week at Lennon’s and Fine Fare on a Saturday. There were very few high street chains in Timperley village at this time. People bought their fruit, vegetables and diary produce from Fresh Nest, which was a farm shop. Who can forget the deafening din of the battery hens at the back of the shop?

Frank Sidebottom mentioned some of his favourite places in Timperley village in this brief article for The Independent:

After Hours

We would love to hear your memories and recollections of Timperley village.

Timperley Village



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